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Surveilling Europe’s edges: when digitalisation means dehumanisation
In the first of a three-part blog series, Caterina Rodelli explains how digital surveillance is dehumanising people at Europe’s borders.
Actions speak louder than words: U.S. slaps strong new sanctions on spyware company and executives
The U.S. government sanctioned individuals associated with the Intellexa consortium. Access Now urges additional action to further rein in the unchecked surveillance tech industry.
Access Now’s submission on Taiwan AI Basic Law
Access Now welcomes the progressive approach taken in this current preview draft text of Taiwan’s AI Basic Law, including the importance laid on protecting human rights and the concerns of individuals and vulnerable communities.
Open letter to European Commission: the dangers of age verification proposals to fundamental rights online
Access Now welcomes first set of amendments to Australia’s Privacy Act, but more needs to be done
Access Now and KICTANet’s joint memorandum on Kenya’s Assembly and Demonstrations Bill, 2024
Access Now condemns the suspension of X in Brazil
Access Now opposes the suspension of X in Brazil and is concerned by the growing trend of blocking of entire online platforms and applications as a response to systemic non-compliance.
Why we need tailored identity systems for our digital world
Digital identity systems are no silver bullet for social challenges. Here’s why a “minimalist” approach makes sense, while protecting human rights.
Encryption FAQ: encrypted messaging, AI, content moderation, and more
Egypt authorities must release activist Mohamed Adel
Human rights organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately release political activist Mohamed Adel, and to comply with their duty to protect his life and health.
Joint Statement: Saudi Arabia must free detainees jailed for their online expression ahead of Internet Governance Forum
Access Now, Amnesty International, and civil society partners demand Saudi Arabia free individuals detained for their online expression ahead the UN Internet Governance Forum in Riyadh.
بيان مشترك: على السلطات السعودية الإفراج عن المحتجزين بسبب تعبيرهم عن آرائهم على الإنترنت قبيل انعقاد منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت
نطالب، بالتعاون مع منظمات المجتمع المدني، السعودية بالإفراج عن الأشخاص المحتجزين بسبب تعبيرهم عبر الإنترنت قبل منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت.
Why #NoExamShutdown should be every country’s class motto
In 2024, exam-related internet shutdowns have continued to disrupt communities in MENA and beyond. Here’s how the #NoExamShutdown campaign is fighting back and how you can help.
Break the silence on Sudan: an urgent call to action
Over 50 civil society organizations urgently call upon the international community to step up and break the silence surrounding the brutal conflict in Sudan.
Joint statement: Sudan has suffered in silence for over 500 days
After more than 500 days of brutal conflict in Sudan, the #KeepItOn coalition reiterates calls to reactivate telecommunication services.
U.S. Homeland Security must stop using AI tech for immigration enforcement and adjudication
Access Now joins Just Futures Law and civil society partners in urging DHS to stop violating federal policies on AI use.
Civil society joint statement on the use of surveillance spyware in the EU and beyond
Access Now, CDT, and a coalition of civil society organisations call on EU institutions to regulate spyware technologies in the new legislative term.
دليل الأمن الرقمي للنشطاء في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
قامت أكساس ناو بإعداد هذا الدليل للأمن الرقمي بهدف تقديم الدعم للأشخاص في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا الذين يسعون لحماية أنفسهم من التهديدات الرقمية والبقاء آمنين على الإنترنت.
Open letter: no deepfakes for democracy
Access Now and civil society partners demand social media platforms take immediate action to implement policies to stop deepfakes from interfering in elections.
Who blocked access to X in Tanzania: civil society demands answers
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition condemn the blocking of X in Tanzania.
Access Now in the news
Access Now’s team members provide expert commentary to media outlets around the world. Contact [email protected] to arrange an interview with one of our staff, and subscribe to our media alerts for regular updates.
L’Intelligenza artificiale e l’occupazione digitale della Palestina
Venezuela: digital id as a tool of oppression
Civil society calls for EU ban on spyware
Is WhatsApp included in new message interception rules? Experts are concerned about wide definitions
Telegram CEO’s arrest fuels debate on platform regulation
Department of telecommunications releases four sets of draft rules for consultation
Russian hacker attacks target former US ambassadors, reveal prior penetration
Does the Telegram CEO arrest set a precedent?
Pavel Durov’s arrest leaves Telegram hanging in the balance
Should India vote to adopt the UN cybercrime treaty? Tech policy expert weighs in
Civil society criticises Commissioner Breton’s approach to EU digital rulebook
Connectivity black out: an unfortunate ‘common tactic’
Register for RightsCon 2025
全球最大數位人權會議明年在台舉行 展現民主實力
全球數位人權大會明年首度在台舉辦 探討人工智慧、科技人權
UN cybercrime treaty finalised: what is it and why is it facing widespread pushback?
Join us at an upcoming event hosted by Access Now or our partners, and reach out to connect with us in person or online.
War, famine, and satellites: Connecting the dots of the humanitarian impact of shutdowns in Sudan
September 23 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am EDT
United Nations General Assembly 79th Session (UNGA79)
September 10 – September 30 EDT
DRAPAC and APrIGF 2024
August 18 @ 11:00 am – August 22 @ 5:30 pm CST
World Press Freedom Day: Digital threats to free expression & climate discourse in Latin America and beyond
May 4 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am CMT
World Press Freedom Day 2024