Partnerships, affiliations, and accreditations
Access Now is proud to work alongside a vast network of partners across civil society, academia, international and regional bodies, and both the public and private sectors. We deeply value these relationships and opportunities to engage with others working in the digital rights space, as we rely on wide-reaching collaboration to help achieve our mission.
We routinely collaborate with hundreds of international organizations and NGOs such as Amnesty International, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), as well as regional and local civil society organizations such as Derechos Digitales, SMEX, The Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO), Digital Security Lab Ukraine, The Citizen Lab, and European Digital Rights (EDRi). In the U.S., we are members of the Leadership Conference of Civil and Human Rights and the Disinformation Defense League.
Among other activities, Access Now works with partners to devise and submit policy submissions, build coalitions, embark on strategic litigation, and coordinate targeted advocacy campaigns.
Access Now plays a central role in convening diverse, high-impact alliances across the digital rights space. These initiatives include:
We are also active members of local, regional, and global coalitions across all our areas of work.
Access Now is a signatory to the following foundational principles, declarations, and frameworks for defending human rights in the digital age:
Necessary and Proportionate Principles
International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance
Protecting the right to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems
The Global Framework for People’s Participation
Declaration of principles for content and platform governance in times of crisis
Advancing consistent and rights-respecting principles for tech platforms to adhere to in times of crises.
Through accreditation by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Access Now has been granted special consultative status at the United Nations (UN). Access Now routinely and actively engages with the UN’s principal organs, programs, and agencies.
A network of digital security support
Access Now’s 24/7 Digital Security Helpline works to ensure a strong, well-resourced, diverse, and trust-based ecosystem of support is able to provide civil society worldwide with digital security assistance. To this end, the Helpline team routinely engages in networking, information sharing, and collaboration with the Computer Incident Response Center for Civil Society (CiviCERT), Rapid Response Network (RaReNet), LevelUp, the SAFETAG auditor network, and Torservers.
We are the first civil-society focused team to have been accepted as a full member of the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST).