Internet shutdowns threaten human rights around the world. They harm everyone: human rights defenders, journalists, protesters, emergency services, businesses, educators, and more. Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition work with stakeholders across sectors to end internet shutdowns worldwide.
KeepItOn: Fighting internet shutdowns around the world
In 2023, Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition recorded 283 internet shutdowns in 39 countries around the world, the highest number since we started the Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project (STOP).
Freedom of Expression
Tell MENA authorities: #NoExamShutdown
Year after year, the MENA region has led the world in exam-related shutdowns. With the 2024 exam season in the region quickly approaching, it’s time to take action and demand change! #NoExamShutdown
Content Governance
2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2024 elections watch to #KeepItOn.
Freedom of Expression
The most violent year: internet shutdowns in 2023
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 283 internet shutdowns in 2023 — the highest number since 2016.
Digital Security
Taxonomy of a shutdown: 8 ways governments restrict access to the internet, and how to #KeepItOn
Our new guide explains the technology behind network interference to help people prepare for, circumvent, and document internet shutdowns.
Internet Shutdowns
KeepItOn: frequently asked questions
#KeepItOn: A global movement to end internet shutdowns 1. What is the #KeepItOn campaign? It’s a campaign launched by Access Now in 2016 to help unite and organize the efforts of activists
Freedom of Expression
Have questions about internet shutdowns? Kill Switch has answers
Why aren’t internet shutdowns illegal? Are there ways to bypass them? Can we fight internet shutdowns in court? Does anyone see a way to end shutdowns, once and for all? Kill Switch podcast has the answers.
Internet Shutdowns
Internet shutdowns and elections handbook
Internet shutdowns and elections handbook A guide for election observers, embassies, activists, and journalists [Leer en español] [Читайте на русском] This handbook explains how internet shutdowns undermine democractic elections and
Palestine unplugged: how Israel disrupts Gaza’s internet
This report illustrates the state of Gaza’s internet throughout October 2023 by looking at internet traffic by ISPs and locations.
Advocating to #KeepItOn during elections: what you can do
Latest updates
2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2024 elections watch to #KeepItOn.
Why #NoExamShutdown should be every country’s class motto
In 2024, exam-related internet shutdowns have continued to disrupt communities in MENA and beyond. Here’s how the #NoExamShutdown campaign is fighting back and how you can help.
Break the silence on Sudan: an urgent call to action
Over 50 civil society organizations urgently call upon the international community to step up and break the silence surrounding the brutal conflict in Sudan.
Joint statement: Sudan has suffered in silence for over 500 days
After more than 500 days of brutal conflict in Sudan, the #KeepItOn coalition reiterates calls to reactivate telecommunication services.
Who blocked access to X in Tanzania: civil society demands answers
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition condemn the blocking of X in Tanzania.
#KeepItOn in Venezuela: Maduro must end his regime’s assault on free speech
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and other human rights abuses in Venezuela in response to protests relating to the presidential election.
Maduro must #KeepItOn in times of protest and unrest
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition demand that the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and blocking essential communications platforms in Venezuela.
#KeepItOn en Venezuela: Maduro debe mantener el acceso a internet en tiempos de protesta y conflicto
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and other human rights abuses in Venezuela in response to protests relating to the presidential election.
Maduro debe mantener el acceso a internet en épocas de protesta y conflicto
Access Now y de la coalición #KeepItOn exigen que el régimen de Nicolás Maduro ponga fin a los apagones de internet en Venezuela.
Africa in 2023: internet shutdowns attack democracy
Connectivity black out: an unfortunate ‘common tactic’
Over 40 NGOs urge end to internet shutdown on E. Guinea island
Internet blackout in Equatorial Guinea and patrolling drones in Venezuela
Fuerte denuncia de 40 organizaciones internacionales sobre lo que sucede en la pequeña isla de Annobón: bloqueada y sin internet
#KeepItOn in Annobón: Authorities in Equatorial Guinea must end internet shutdown and other human rights abuses
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on authorities in Equatorial Guinea to immediately restore internet and telecom services in Annobón.
#KeepItOn en Annobón: Las autoridades de Guinea Ecuatorial deben poner fin al corte de internet y otros abusos a los derechos humanos
La coalición #KeepItOn instan a las autoridades de Guinea Ecuatorial a restablecer de inmediato el acceso a internet en Annobón.