Press releases
If you would like to arrange an interview with one of our Access Now experts, have a question, or are interested in further information on any of our areas of focus, please contact press [at] accessnow [dot] org.
Access Now welcomes first set of amendments to Australia’s Privacy Act, but more needs to be done
Break the silence on Sudan: an urgent call to action
Over 50 civil society organizations urgently call upon the international community to step up and break the silence surrounding the brutal conflict in Sudan.
Who blocked access to X in Tanzania: civil society demands answers
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition condemn the blocking of X in Tanzania.
Apple’s decision in Russia is rotten to the core — restore VPNs on App Store now
Access Now, RKS Global, and civil society partners call on Apple to immediately restore all VPN service applications previously removed from its App Store in Russia
Human rights orgs and publishers launch initiative to get surveillance tech copaganda out of fiction
In the hopes of a future that respects the human right to privacy, Fight for the Future, RightsCon, Strange Horizons, and COMPOST Magazine have launched a call for short stories to underpin a forthcoming toolkit at
Access Now’s statement on French authorities’ detention of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
Access Now, Article 19, and EFF urge the EU Commission to let their enforcement work be guided by evidence rather than political sentiment.
#KeepItOn in Venezuela: Maduro must end his regime’s assault on free speech
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and other human rights abuses in Venezuela in response to protests relating to the presidential election.
#KeepItOn en Venezuela: Maduro debe mantener el acceso a internet en tiempos de protesta y conflicto
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and other human rights abuses in Venezuela in response to protests relating to the presidential election.
Africa in 2023: internet shutdowns attack democracy
The Ministry of Digital Affairs welcomes RightsCon to Taiwan
The Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan, witnessed by Vice Premier Cheng Li-chiun of Executive Yuan, signed a Letter of Intent with Access Now.
展現數位民主實力 全球最大數位人權會議明年在臺舉行
由公民社會發起的全球最大科技與人權會議 RightsCon,將於明(114)年2月24至27日來臺舉辦,數位發展部今(20)日與該會議主辦單位 Access Now,簽署合作意向書,預期將有150國、3,000名產官學專業人員來臺,共同探討人工智慧、數位治理等議題。
Commissioner Breton: stop politicising the Digital Services Act
Access Now, ARTICLE 19, and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are calling on the EU Commissioner Thierry Breton to stop politicising the enforcement of the Digital Services Act (DSA).
#KeepItOn in Annobón: Authorities in Equatorial Guinea must end internet shutdown and other human rights abuses
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on authorities in Equatorial Guinea to immediately restore internet and telecom services in Annobón.
#KeepItOn en Annobón: Las autoridades de Guinea Ecuatorial deben poner fin al corte de internet y otros abusos a los derechos humanos
La coalición #KeepItOn instan a las autoridades de Guinea Ecuatorial a restablecer de inmediato el acceso a internet en Annobón.
De la vigilancia al doxxing: Las autoridades venezolanas deben poner fin a la violenta represión de la disidencia
From surveillance to doxxing: Venezuelan authorities must end their violent crackdown on dissent
Open letters
Open letter to European Commission: the dangers of age verification proposals to fundamental rights online
الأردن: سنة كاملة من القمع:دعوات جديدة لإلغاء قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية!
تدعو منظمات حقوق الإنسان المحلية والدولية الموقعة أدناه البرلمان الجديد إلى إلغاء أو تعديل قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية.
An year of abuse — Jordanian authorities must scrap cybercrime law
Access Now, Article 19, and partners urge the new Jordanian Parliament to repeal or substantially amend the new Cybercrime Law.
Egypt authorities must release activist Mohamed Adel
Human rights organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately release political activist Mohamed Adel, and to comply with their duty to protect his life and health.
Actions speak louder than words: U.S. slaps strong new sanctions on spyware company and executives
The U.S. government sanctioned individuals associated with the Intellexa consortium. Access Now urges additional action to further rein in the unchecked surveillance tech industry.
Access Now condemns the suspension of X in Brazil
Access Now opposes the suspension of X in Brazil and is concerned by the growing trend of blocking of entire online platforms and applications as a response to systemic non-compliance.
Joint Statement: Saudi Arabia must free detainees jailed for their online expression ahead of Internet Governance Forum
Access Now, Amnesty International, and civil society partners demand Saudi Arabia free individuals detained for their online expression ahead the UN Internet Governance Forum in Riyadh.
بيان مشترك: على السلطات السعودية الإفراج عن المحتجزين بسبب تعبيرهم عن آرائهم على الإنترنت قبيل انعقاد منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت
نطالب، بالتعاون مع منظمات المجتمع المدني، السعودية بالإفراج عن الأشخاص المحتجزين بسبب تعبيرهم عبر الإنترنت قبل منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت.
Joint statement: Sudan has suffered in silence for over 500 days
After more than 500 days of brutal conflict in Sudan, the #KeepItOn coalition reiterates calls to reactivate telecommunication services.
Civil society joint statement on the use of surveillance spyware in the EU and beyond
Access Now, CDT, and a coalition of civil society organisations call on EU institutions to regulate spyware technologies in the new legislative term.
Access Now’s statement on French authorities’ detention of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
Access Now, Article 19, and EFF urge the EU Commission to let their enforcement work be guided by evidence rather than political sentiment.
Maduro must #KeepItOn in times of protest and unrest
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition demand that the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and blocking essential communications platforms in Venezuela.
Maduro debe mantener el acceso a internet en épocas de protesta y conflicto
Access Now y de la coalición #KeepItOn exigen que el régimen de Nicolás Maduro ponga fin a los apagones de internet en Venezuela.
Civil society statement: Commissioner Breton needs to stop politicising the Digital Services Act
Access Now, Article 19, and EFF urge the EU Commission to let their enforcement work be guided by evidence rather than political sentiment.
#KeepItOn: Equatorial Guinea authorities must end internet shutdown and other human rights abuses in Annobón
#KeepItOn coalition urges authorities in Equatorial Guinea to restore access to the internet and mobile telecommunication services in Annobón.
#KeepItOn: Las autoridades de Guinea Ecuatorial deben poner fin al bloqueo de internet y otros abusos a los derechos humanos en Annobón
La coalición #KeepItOn insta a las autoridades de Guinea Ecuatorial a restablezca de inmediato el acceso a internet en Annobón.
Safeguarding digital freedoms and fundamental rights in Bangladesh amid ongoing student protests
We strongly condemn the violence against peaceful demonstrations, and urge the authorities to uphold human rights, and restore access to the country’s communication and Internet services.
Civil society joint brief on the UN Global Digital Compact
Joint statement urging Australia to protect end-to-end encryption in the Online Safety Act review
The Australian government must utilise the Online Safety Act review process to protect and encourage the use of end-to-end encryption.
Joint statement – The EU Migration Pact: a dangerous regime of migrant surveillance
The EU New Pact on Migration and Asylum ushers in a deadly new era of digital surveillance, expanding the digital infrastructure for an EU border regime based on the criminalisation and punishment of migrants and racialised people.