Press releases
If you would like to arrange an interview with one of our Access Now experts, have a question, or are interested in further information on any of our areas of focus, please contact press [at] accessnow [dot] org.

Access Now demands U.S. lift sanctions blocking Syria’s digital recovery
Access Now joins the American Coalition for Syria, and over 160 civil society organizations in urging the U.S. government to expand sanctions relief in Syria.

Ceasefire in Gaza: it’s time to end digital harms and deliver justice
As physical violence appears to be coming to a halt after 15 months in Gaza, Access Now further calls for a digital ceasefire.

The Palestinian Authority must stop silencing Al Jazeera and end its attacks on press freedom
The Palestinian Authority must reverse its decision to block Al Jazeera websites and lift the suspension of its operations in the West Bank.

Ghana must uphold its record of no shutdowns — during upcoming elections, authorities must #KeepItOn

Know your customer: ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders put Big Tech on notice

#KeepItOn in Tanzania: authorities must ensure connectivity during local elections
The #KeepItOn coalition demands that the Government of Tanzania ensure unhindered access to the internet during the upcoming elections.

Six years of the GDPR: we won’t pay for our right to data protection
Access Now’s new report, Six years of the GDPR: priced out of privacy, presents recommendations for the EU to address the incompatibility of “pay or consent” models with fundamental rights.

حرية التعبير والخصوصية: حقوق محاصرة بالقوانين السيبرانية في المنطقة العربية
في ظل الارتفاع الملحوظ في استخدام القوانين السيبرانية لاستهداف المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان والأصوات المعارضة في المنطقة العربية، تطلق أكساس ناو ورقة سياسات جديدة.

Access Now publica alternativas al “derecho al olvido” en América Latina

Authorities and internet service providers in Mozambique must respect human rights and #KeepItOn during protests
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition unequivocally condemn the actions of authorities in Mozambique in shutting down the internet and blocking social media platforms.

Proceed with caution: Sandvine removed from U.S. Entity List despite poor human rights track record, Access Now urges continued scrutiny

U.S. CBP releases records on controversial CBP One app after Access Now’s lawsuit
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency has finally released 2912 pages in documentation on CBP One app.

Agencia estadounidense CBP publica registros de la polémica aplicación CBP One tras demanda de Access Now
La agencia de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de EE. UU. (CBP) publicó casi 3000 páginas de documentación sobre la aplicación para migrantes CBP One, tras demanda de la organización Access Now.

Access Now and Russian civil society victims help take down Russian phishing infrastructure
Access Now filed a legal statement supporting Microsoft’s action against phishing infrastructure, which included statements from civil society.

Access Now welcomes first set of amendments to Australia’s Privacy Act, but more needs to be done

Break the silence on Sudan: an urgent call to action
Over 50 civil society organizations urgently call upon the international community to step up and break the silence surrounding the brutal conflict in Sudan.
Open letters

Now or never: strengthen GDPR Procedural Rules to hold Big Tech accountable
The development of the proposed GDPR Procedural Regulation represents a missed opportunity to address enforcement challenges.

Open letter: the UK government must act now to free Alaa
The undersigned human rights organizations call on the UK government to take immediate action to free Alaa, and save his mother’s life.

Civil society calls on the Polish Presidency to lead the EU in combating spyware abuse
Alongside 13 civil society organisations, we call on the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to prioritise action against spyware misuse.

OCHA: a new era for humanitarianism must include digital protection
Access Now congratulates Tom Fletcher on his appointment as Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

Privacy under attack: Egypt must reform its draft Criminal Procedure Code
Authorities in Egypt must reject the proposed draft Criminal Procedure Code and develop a new code that aligns with international human rights standards.

انتهاك الخصوصية.. على مصر تعديل مشروع قانون الإجراءات الجنائية
تحث المنظمات الموقعة الحكومة المصرية على ضمان امتثال مشروع قانون الإجراءات الجنائية المقترح مؤخرا لالتزاماتها الدولية في مجال حقوق الإنسان.

#KeepItOn: les autorités doivent rétablir l’accès à Goma et dans toute la RDC
The #KeepItOn coalition urgently demand that authorities in the DRC stop imposing internet shutdowns amid the ongoing conflict.

#KeepItOn: authorities must restore access in Goma and across the DRC
The #KeepItOn coalition urgently demand that authorities in the DRC stop imposing internet shutdowns amid the ongoing conflict.

#KeepItOn: authorities must restore access to social media in South Sudan and uphold human rights
The #KeepItOn coalition demands the government of South Sudan put an immediate end to the ongoing social media shutdowns in the country.

Two years on, Balgh remains a tool of repression in Iraq
Access Now, along with partner organizations, condemn the Iraqi authorities’ continued use of the Balgh platform to monitor online speech and curtail freedom of expression.

Human rights and justice must be at the heart of the upcoming Commission guidelines on the AI Act implementation
This statement was written by the AI Act civil society and the #ProtectNotSurveil coalitions following the EU Commission consultation on the AI Act.

Statement on the historic decision in the WhatsApp v NSO case
Access Now welcomes the ruling in the case of WhatsApp v NSO Group, where the U.S. District Court of Northern California found that NSO violated federal and California state hacking statutes.

Joint statement: civil society concerns and priorities for Global Digital Compact implementation

بيان مُشترك: المجتمع المدني يُطالب باتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة قبيل انعقاد منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت
منظمات حقوق الإنسان المُوقّعة أدناه، نحثّ حكومة السعودية على إطلاق سراح جميع المعتقلين الذين اعتقلتهم السلطات السعودية بسبب تعبيرهم عن آرائهم على الإنترنت

Joint statement: civil society demands action ahead of Internet Governance Forum
Civil society urges the government of Saudi Arabia to release people imprisoned for their online expression and foster transparency and accountability ahead of IGF 2024.

#KeepItOn: authorities in Pakistan must stop the ongoing suppression of digital rights
The #KeepItOn coalition urges the government of Pakistan to immediately bring an end to the ongoing blatant violation of fundamental rights in the country.

Global coalition of NGOs call for immediate ceasefire in Lebanon

Statement on the targeting and killing of journalists in Palestine and Lebanon
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese journalists bravely reporting amid life-threatening risks.

#KeepItOn: authorities in Kenya must restore access to Telegram and protect people’s rights
The #KeepItOn coalition write to seek clarification on the ongoing disruption of the digital communications application, Telegram, in Kenya.

#KeepItOn: authorities in Mozambique must stop normalizing internet shutdowns during protests
We urgently demand that the government of Mozambique put an immediate end to the increasing use of shutdowns amid ongoing protests.