Access Now’s team of policy experts, advocates, and technologists are finding solutions to help everyone protect themselves from digital threats and defend human rights. Check out our guides, tools, and other resources for human rights defenders, everyday users, companies, policymakers, and more.
Available 24/7
Digital Security Helpline
We help you be safer online and provide rapid-response assistance to human rights defenders, journalists, and other at-risk communities.
Resources for individuals
Access Now and our Digital Security Helpline are here to support you in exercising your rights. Explore our library of guides to help protect yourself and your community.
Manual da Pessoa Vigiada
O Manual da Pessoa Vigiada é um guia para ajudá-lo a navegar no sistema judiciário caso você seja detido injustamente por sistemas biométricos.
A human rights-centered approach to digital public infrastructure
Read Access Now’s recommendations for lawmakers to ensure digital public infrastructure protects human rights.
UN Global Digital Compact: FAQ
What is the UN Global Digital Compact, why does it matter for the future of digital rights, and what are its human rights implications? Read our FAQ to know.
دليل الأمن الرقمي للنشطاء في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
قامت أكساس ناو بإعداد هذا الدليل للأمن الرقمي بهدف تقديم الدعم للأشخاص في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا الذين يسعون لحماية أنفسهم من التهديدات الرقمية والبقاء آمنين على الإنترنت.
Digital safety guide for LGBTQ+ activists in Africa
Rising LGBTQ+ intolerance in many African countries drives digital repression of activists. This guide provides safety tips and resources for protecting against these threats.
Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project (STOP)
Learn about STOP, our methodology for tracking internet shutdowns around the world.
Manual del Pequeñx Vigiladx
El Manual del Pequeñx Vigiladx es una guía para ayudarte a navegar el sistema judicial en caso de sufrir una detención errónea por sistemas biométricos.
UN Cybercrime Convention: FAQ on necessary reforms
What is the UN cybercrime convention, what’s wrong with its current draft, and how can you engage with it? Read our FAQ to know.
Resources for decisionmakers
Access Now’s team of experts provide policymakers, companies, investors, and other decisionmakers targeted and practical guidance for developing policies and practices that uphold human rights.
Manual da Pessoa Vigiada
O Manual da Pessoa Vigiada é um guia para ajudá-lo a navegar no sistema judiciário caso você seja detido injustamente por sistemas biométricos.
A human rights-centered approach to digital public infrastructure
Read Access Now’s recommendations for lawmakers to ensure digital public infrastructure protects human rights.
UN Global Digital Compact: FAQ
What is the UN Global Digital Compact, why does it matter for the future of digital rights, and what are its human rights implications? Read our FAQ to know.
دليل الأمن الرقمي للنشطاء في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
قامت أكساس ناو بإعداد هذا الدليل للأمن الرقمي بهدف تقديم الدعم للأشخاص في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا الذين يسعون لحماية أنفسهم من التهديدات الرقمية والبقاء آمنين على الإنترنت.
Digital safety guide for LGBTQ+ activists in Africa
Rising LGBTQ+ intolerance in many African countries drives digital repression of activists. This guide provides safety tips and resources for protecting against these threats.
Shutdown Tracker Optimization Project (STOP)
Learn about STOP, our methodology for tracking internet shutdowns around the world.
Manual del Pequeñx Vigiladx
El Manual del Pequeñx Vigiladx es una guía para ayudarte a navegar el sistema judicial en caso de sufrir una detención errónea por sistemas biométricos.
UN Cybercrime Convention: FAQ on necessary reforms
What is the UN cybercrime convention, what’s wrong with its current draft, and how can you engage with it? Read our FAQ to know.
Who, What, and How We Fund
Access Now Grants
We support the grassroots and frontline organizations fighting for your rights around the world.