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Tag: #KeepItOn

KeepItOn Elections shutdown handbook header image

Internet shutdowns and elections handbook: A guide for election observers, embassies, activists, and journalists

31 Mar 2021
Internet shutdowns and elections handbook: A guide for election observers, embassies, activists, and journalists
31 Mar 2021
Internet shutdowns and elections handbook: A guide for election observers, embassies, activists, and journalists

If India ignores cybersecurity, Can China keep switching off India’s lights?

30 Mar 2021
If India ignores cybersecurity, Can China keep switching off India’s lights?
30 Mar 2021
If India ignores cybersecurity, Can China keep switching off India’s lights?

Internet et droits humains : déconnecter, mais à quel prix ?

22 Mar 2021
Internet et droits humains : déconnecter, mais à quel prix ?
22 Mar 2021
Internet et droits humains : déconnecter, mais à quel prix ?

Jordan’s internet throttling to censor protesters must end

19 Mar 2021

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are issuing an urgent call to authorities in Jordan to immediately put an end to the practice of blocking internet access and digital communication platforms across the nation during public demonstrations. 

Press Release
Jordan’s internet throttling to censor protesters must end
19 Mar 2021
Jordan’s internet throttling to censor protesters must end

#KeepItOn: Open letter urging Jordan to end internet throttling during protests

19 Mar 2021

As Jordan protests, the #KeepItOn coalition is urging authorities to stop throttling access to the internet and communications services.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Open letter urging Jordan to end internet throttling during protests
19 Mar 2021
#KeepItOn: Open letter urging Jordan to end internet throttling during protests
Thumbnail image: internet shutdowns

Digital rights activists fear internet blackouts as voting kicks off in the Republic of the Congo

18 Mar 2021
Digital rights activists fear internet blackouts as voting kicks off in the Republic of the Congo
18 Mar 2021
Digital rights activists fear internet blackouts as voting kicks off in the Republic of the Congo
election internet shutdowns

Le Congo ne doit pas répéter la censure durant cette élection: gardez le pays connecté

16 Mar 2021

Les autorités de la République du Congo doivent garder internet ouvert, accessible et sécurisé pendant toute la période de l’élection présidentielle de 2021.

Press Release
Le Congo ne doit pas répéter la censure durant cette élection: gardez le pays connecté
16 Mar 2021
Le Congo ne doit pas répéter la censure durant cette élection: gardez le pays connecté
election internet shutdowns

#KeepIton: Lettre ouverte pour garder l’internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections en République du Congo

16 Mar 2021

Des nations à travers l’Afrique et dans le monde coupent intentionnellement internet lorsque les populations en ont le plus besoin – pendant les élections et les événements nationaux importants. Durant cette élection, nous exhortons la République du Congo à #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepIton: Lettre ouverte pour garder l’internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections en République du Congo
16 Mar 2021
#KeepIton: Lettre ouverte pour garder l’internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections en République du Congo
election internet shutdowns

Congo cannot repeat history this election, authorities must keep the country connected

16 Mar 2021

Update: March 22 — To the dismay of the #KeepItOn coalition and the international community, authorities in the Republic of the Congo shutdown the internet on the eve of the presidential election.

Press Release
Congo cannot repeat history this election, authorities must keep the country connected
16 Mar 2021
Congo cannot repeat history this election, authorities must keep the country connected
election internet shutdowns

#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo

16 Mar 2021

Nations across Africa, and the world, are intentionally shutting down the internet when people need it the most — during elections and important national events. This election, we urge the Republic of the Congo to #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo
16 Mar 2021
#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo