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Tag: Javier Smaldone

Protección de datos personales: Recomendaciones para el nuevo proyecto de ley en Argentina

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil solicitan la suspensión del desarrollo e implementación de tecnologías de procesamiento masivo de datos personales en Argentina

28 Jan 2022
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil solicitan la suspensión del desarrollo e implementación de tecnologías de procesamiento masivo de datos personales en Argentina
28 Jan 2022
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil solicitan la suspensión del desarrollo e implementación de tecnologías de procesamiento masivo de datos personales en Argentina

Reporte: La persecución de la comunidad infosec en América Latina

30 Aug 2021
Reporte: La persecución de la comunidad infosec en América Latina
30 Aug 2021
Reporte: La persecución de la comunidad infosec en América Latina

Why Latin America should protect, not persecute, information security researchers

12 Aug 2021

Information security researchers help keep people safe online, yet they are being persecuted in Latin America when they should be protected.

Why Latin America should protect, not persecute, information security researchers
12 Aug 2021
Why Latin America should protect, not persecute, information security researchers
Caso Ola Bini: nuevamente se suspende la audiencia

Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders

18 Dec 2019

Civil society is standing together to defend security researchers and trainers who act to protect and promote human rights. Join us to demand strong protection of their work and recognition as human rights defenders. 

Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders
18 Dec 2019
Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders

Human rights organizations reject arbitrary measures against digital security researcher Javier Smaldone

10 Dec 2019

The undersigned civil society organizations, academics, and individuals dedicated to the study of internet policy and the defense of fundamental rights write to express our concern in the face of repeated cases of persecution of digital security researchers.

Press Release
Human rights organizations reject arbitrary measures against digital security researcher Javier Smaldone
10 Dec 2019
Human rights organizations reject arbitrary measures against digital security researcher Javier Smaldone