Tag: Heroes and Villains

Access Now announces 2018 Villains of Human Rights
Our Villain Awards aim to shine light on the impact that the decisions of those in powerful positions can have on ordinary people, naming those who have had an especially harmful impact on human rights, and in particular on privacy and secure communications.

Marianne Díaz Hernández elegida “Heroína” por su lucha contra la vigilancia y la censura del gobierno de Maduro
Hoy, Access Now anuncia como ganadora de este año al premio “Héroes de los Derechos Humanos” a Marianne Díaz Hernández, abogada venezolana, escritora y activista por los derechos humanos.

Marianne Díaz Hernández declared “Hero” for advocating against Maduro government’s surveillance and censorship
Today, Access Now announces its selection of Venezuelan human rights lawyer Marianne Díaz Hernández as a 2018 Human Rights Hero.

Dr. Usha Ramanathan declared “Hero” for speaking out against India’s controversial Aadhaar digital identity program
Today, Access Now announces its selection of Indian privacy activist Dr. Usha Ramanathan as a 2018 Human Rights Hero.

Zaituni Njovu declared “Hero” for promoting digital security awareness among Swahili-speaking women

Lizzie O’Shea declared “Hero” for mobilizing the Australian public against the government’s anti-encryption legislation
Today, Access Now announces its selection of Australian human rights lawyer Lizzie O’Shea as a 2018 Human Rights Hero.

Mohammed al-Maskati declared “Hero” for defending human rights through digital security training in the MENA Region
Today, Access Now announces its selection of Bahraini activist and digital security consultant Mohammed Al-Maskati as a recipient of this year’s Human Rights Heroes Award.

Nominate your Human Rights Heroes & Villains
Every year, Access Now celebrates the heroes of human rights in the digital age, and we’re looking for nominations! We need your help to find the people and groups who are working to defend our rights.

Ali Gharavi and Peter Steudtner declared “Heroes” for providing digital security training to users at risk in Turkey
Gharavi and Steudner provided training in digital security for those who need it most, at great personal risk and cost to themselves.

Attorney General George Brandis declared “Villain” by Access Now for comments undermining encryption
Working to undermine encryption is an attack on human rights.