Tag: cybercrime law
Activists accuse proposed UN cybercrime treaty of empowering surveillance, repression
UN Cybercrime Convention: FAQ on necessary reforms
What is the UN cybercrime convention, what’s wrong with its current draft, and how can you engage with it? Read our FAQ to know.
Tunisia: President must scrap decree-law undermining free expression and the press
Civil society condemn the new decree-law 54 in in Tunisia and urge the President to withdraw it in order to uphold freedom of expression and press freedom.
Syria’s new “cybercrime” law adds salt to injury
Syria’s new “cybercrime” law gives a regime notorious for surveilling citizens new powers to violate privacy, silence people, and add a false legal veneer to human rights violations.
Joint statement on the UAE’s adoption of Federal Decree Law No. 34 of 2021 on Combatting Rumours and Cybercrime
Access Now joins a coalition of organization in calling on UAE to immediate repeal or amend the new Law on Combatting Rumours and Cybercrime.
Why Latin America should protect, not persecute, information security researchers
Information security researchers help keep people safe online, yet they are being persecuted in Latin America when they should be protected.
رسالة مفتوحة إلى مجلس النواب العراقي: لا تجرموا المفاهيم الغامضة والفضفاضة “للجرائم الإلكترونية”.
Open letter to the Iraqi Council of Representatives: Don’t criminalise vague definitions of “cybercrimes”
These women were jailed for TikTok 🚫 You can help them
At least six women have already been sentenced to jail for their TikTok videos, and now they are fighting their charges on appeal. Help pressure Egyptian authorities to free these women and revoke their sentences.
Special Cybercrime Bill in Nicaragua promotes censorship and criminalizes the everyday use of technologies
The signatory organizations are deeply concerned about the legislation, which, if implemented, would seriously undermine human rights; in particular, freedom of expression and access to information, already under threat in Nicaragua, would be compromised.