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Tag: vaccine certificates

Tunisian Biometric ID and Passport

How can the world address inequality? 7 experts explain

5 Jul 2021
How can the world address inequality? 7 experts explain
5 Jul 2021
How can the world address inequality? 7 experts explain
Tunisian Biometric ID and Passport

Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights

23 Apr 2021

As the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum, governments are clamoring to implement measures to help the world return to pre-virus normality. This includes exploring digital vaccine certificates — or COVID-19 vaccine “passports”. Current proposals, however, threaten human rights.

Press Release
Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights
23 Apr 2021
Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights