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Tag: Trade Agreements

Australia’s Privacy Act

Access Now’s memo on the data transfers and PNR provisions under the EU-UK Trade Agreement

15 Jan 2021
Access Now’s memo on the data transfers and PNR provisions under the EU-UK Trade Agreement
15 Jan 2021
Access Now’s memo on the data transfers and PNR provisions under the EU-UK Trade Agreement

Launch of digital initiatives in the EU: the good, the bad, and the ugly

10 Jan 2017
Press Release
Launch of digital initiatives in the EU: the good, the bad, and the ugly
10 Jan 2017
Launch of digital initiatives in the EU: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Why transparency matters in Europe’s trade negotiations

4 Aug 2016

In the TTIP and CETA trade negotiations in Europe, transparency is the key to legitimacy and accountability.

Why transparency matters in Europe’s trade negotiations
4 Aug 2016
Why transparency matters in Europe’s trade negotiations

The TTIP leaks: what does it mean for your digital rights?

12 May 2016

Documents leaked from ongoing, highly secretive negotiations between the United States and Europe reveal that human rights remain at risk, progress is slow, and we’re still not sure what the final outcome will be.

The TTIP leaks: what does it mean for your digital rights?
12 May 2016
The TTIP leaks: what does it mean for your digital rights?

Why you should care about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

28 Jun 2015

Today, as the European Parliament’s trade committee considers amendments to its position on the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Access has published a brief to help people on both sides of the Atlantic understand what’s at stake in the negotiations.

Why you should care about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
28 Jun 2015
Why you should care about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Malmström’s “new” ISDS: Same same but different

26 May 2015

Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Trade, presented on May 6th a handful of cosmetic proposals to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism. ISDS has been a central point of the ongoing discussions about the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement, currently being negotiated between the U.S. and the EU. Malmström’s “new” ISDS reminds us of a Thai turn of phrase, “same same but different.”

Malmström’s “new” ISDS: Same same but different
26 May 2015
Malmström’s “new” ISDS: Same same but different

Intellectual property and the implementation of US Free Trade Agreements in Latin America

4 Feb 2013

From 2004, the United States has signed onto free trade agreements with nearly half of the countries in Latin America. As a product of these agreements, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Panama and other Central American countries agreed to enact new and more restrictive copyright laws, which can place important threats on the fundamental rights of internet users across the region.

Intellectual property and the implementation of US Free Trade Agreements in Latin America
4 Feb 2013
Intellectual property and the implementation of US Free Trade Agreements in Latin America