Tag: spyware
Civil society calls for EU ban on spyware
Civil society joint statement on the use of surveillance spyware in the EU and beyond
Access Now, CDT, and a coalition of civil society organisations call on EU institutions to regulate spyware technologies in the new legislative term.
دليل الأمن الرقمي للنشطاء في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
قامت أكساس ناو بإعداد هذا الدليل للأمن الرقمي بهدف تقديم الدعم للأشخاص في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا الذين يسعون لحماية أنفسهم من التهديدات الرقمية والبقاء آمنين على الإنترنت.
Spear phishing cases from Eastern Europe in 2022-2024: a technical brief
Russia-linked phishing campaigns are targeting civil society and NGOs operating in the region and abroad, according to a new investigation by Access Now and the Citizen Lab.
A pathway forward for digital rights
Brett Solomon shares insights from 15 years as Access Now Co-founder and Executive Director.
Apple sends fresh warnings to iPhone users over spyware attacks, groups say
Digital safety guide for LGBTQ+ activists in Africa
Rising LGBTQ+ intolerance in many African countries drives digital repression of activists. This guide provides safety tips and resources for protecting against these threats.