Tag: Social media
Rainbow-burning: how social media companies increase risks for LGBTQ+ people in Africa
Colonial-era laws and a global anti-rights movement are fueling LGBTQ+ repression across Africa. Access Now documented 214 threats on platforms like TikTok, X, Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp, underscoring widespread risks.
It’s not a glitch: how Meta systematically censors Palestinian voices
This Access Now report documented cases of how Meta censors Palestinian voices on Facebook and Instagram.
Cómo protegerse en línea en el contexto del conflicto en Gaza
La presente guía de consejos sobre resiliencia digital elaborada por Access Now y SMEX fue diseñada para brindarles apoyo contra las amenazas denunciadas.
Staying safe online in the context of conflict in Gaza
This digital resilience tipsheet compiled by Access Now and SMEX is designed to support you in defending against reported threats.
Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
Viet Nam’s Identity Verification Mandate will Violate International Human Rights.
How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)
If you are in the EU, here are the simple three steps to opt out from TikTok’s targeted ads.
Armenian law must prohibit internet shutdowns, not enshrine them
The government of Armenia must immediately scrap any attempt to legitimize internet shutdowns and attacks on freedom of expression.
Ethiopian authorities must stop blocking social media
Authorities in Ethiopia must immediately reinstate full access to social media platforms across the entire country, and put an end to censorship.
به روز رسانی ایران و خط کمک امنیت دیجیتال
Information on Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline and requests for assistance from Iran.
Stop the deception: dos and don’ts for responsible online design
“No more deceptive designs: dos and don’ts for responsible user experience practices” can help combat online manipulation.