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Tag: Israel

digital ceasefire gaza

Israel-Palestine war: How an Israeli Telegram channel is used to incite violence against Palestinians

14 Dec 2023
Israel-Palestine war: How an Israeli Telegram channel is used to incite violence against Palestinians
Middle East Eye ↗
14 Dec 2023
Israel-Palestine war: How an Israeli Telegram channel is used to incite violence against Palestinians
Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!

How corporate media helped lay the groundwork for Israel’s genocide in Gaza

2 Dec 2023
How corporate media helped lay the groundwork for Israel’s genocide in Gaza
Truthout ↗
2 Dec 2023
How corporate media helped lay the groundwork for Israel’s genocide in Gaza
Urgent call: ceasefire in Gaza, "digital ceasefire" for Palestinians globally!

Paltel Group’s response to Access Now and Human Rights Watch’s letter

15 Nov 2023

Access Now and the MENA Alliance for Digital Rights call for immediate restoration of telecoms and internet connectivity in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Paltel Group’s response to Access Now and Human Rights Watch’s letter
15 Nov 2023
Paltel Group’s response to Access Now and Human Rights Watch’s letter
Urgent call: ceasefire in Gaza, "digital ceasefire" for Palestinians globally!

Letter to Paltel: internet and telecommunications shutdowns and disruptions in Gaza

15 Nov 2023

Human Rights Watch and Access Now wrote to Paltel Group in regards to the ongoing disruption of internet and telecommunications services in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Letter to Paltel: internet and telecommunications shutdowns and disruptions in Gaza
15 Nov 2023
Letter to Paltel: internet and telecommunications shutdowns and disruptions in Gaza
Telecommunications blackout in the Gaza Strip is an attack on human rights

Depleting fuel and infrastructure damage: Gaza’s internet lifeline must be saved

15 Nov 2023

“With an impending internet blackout in Gaza, Access Now and Human Rights Watch received a response from Paltell Group emphasizing Israeli attacks on infrastructure as key blackout contributors and citing challenges in making repairs without a ceasefire.

Press Release
Depleting fuel and infrastructure damage: Gaza’s internet lifeline must be saved
15 Nov 2023
Depleting fuel and infrastructure damage: Gaza’s internet lifeline must be saved
Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!

Gaza’s last link is gone: civil society urges immediate reversal of total communications blackout now shrouding human rights harms

27 Oct 2023

Access Now and the MENA Alliance for Digital Rights call for immediate restoration of telecoms and internet connectivity in the Gaza Strip.

Press Release
Gaza’s last link is gone: civil society urges immediate reversal of total communications blackout now shrouding human rights harms
27 Oct 2023
Gaza’s last link is gone: civil society urges immediate reversal of total communications blackout now shrouding human rights harms
Palestine Israel Digital Ceasefire; Gaza’s internet

دعوة مفتوحة من منظمات حقوق الإنسان لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار على الأرض ورقمياً في غزة، وبحق  الفلسطينيين/ات حول العالم

23 Oct 2023

نحن، مجموعة من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان الرقمية، ننضم إلى الدعوة المفتوحة للوقف الفوري لإطلاق النار في غزة.

Press Release
دعوة مفتوحة من منظمات حقوق الإنسان لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار على الأرض ورقمياً في غزة، وبحق  الفلسطينيين/ات حول العالم
23 Oct 2023
دعوة مفتوحة من منظمات حقوق الإنسان لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار على الأرض ورقمياً في غزة، وبحق  الفلسطينيين/ات حول العالم
Palestine Israel Digital Ceasefire; Gaza’s internet

Organizaciones de derechos humanos se unen al llamado abierto al cese al fuego en Gaza y el respeto por los derechos digitales del pueblo palestino en todo el mundo

20 Oct 2023

We call on international actors to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with a “digital ceasefire” to protect Palestinians in online spaces globally.

Press Release
Organizaciones de derechos humanos se unen al llamado abierto al cese al fuego en Gaza y el respeto por los derechos digitales del pueblo palestino en todo el mundo
20 Oct 2023
Organizaciones de derechos humanos se unen al llamado abierto al cese al fuego en Gaza y el respeto por los derechos digitales del pueblo palestino en todo el mundo
Palestine Israel Digital Ceasefire; Gaza’s internet

Human rights organizations join the open call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza, and for Palestinians globally

20 Oct 2023

We call on international actors to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with a “digital ceasefire” to protect Palestinians in online spaces globally.

Press Release
Human rights organizations join the open call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza, and for Palestinians globally
20 Oct 2023
Human rights organizations join the open call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza, and for Palestinians globally
Restore Telecoms and Internet Connectivity in Gaza Now!

منظمات مدنية عالميّة: نطالب بإعادة خدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت إلى غزّة فوراً!

20 Oct 2023

يدين تحالف الحقوق الرقمية في المنطقة العربية وغيره من منظمات المجتمع المدني بأشدّ العبارات استهداف إسرائيل لوسائل الاتصال والوصول إلى المعلومات في غزّة.

Press Release
منظمات مدنية عالميّة: نطالب بإعادة خدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت إلى غزّة فوراً!
20 Oct 2023
منظمات مدنية عالميّة: نطالب بإعادة خدمات الاتصالات والإنترنت إلى غزّة فوراً!