Release Type: Open Letter

Now or never: strengthen GDPR Procedural Rules to hold Big Tech accountable
The development of the proposed GDPR Procedural Regulation represents a missed opportunity to address enforcement challenges.

Open letter: the UK government must act now to free Alaa
The undersigned human rights organizations call on the UK government to take immediate action to free Alaa, and save his mother’s life.

Civil society calls on the Polish Presidency to lead the EU in combating spyware abuse
Alongside 13 civil society organisations, we call on the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to prioritise action against spyware misuse.

OCHA: a new era for humanitarianism must include digital protection
Access Now congratulates Tom Fletcher on his appointment as Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

#KeepItOn: government of Ghana and internet service providers must ensure open and secure internet access throughout the 2024 elections
The #KeepItOn coalition urges authorities in Ghana to publicly commit to ensuring that people have unfettered access to the internet throughout the 2024 general elections.

#KeepItOn: the Government of Tanzania and internet service providers must ensure open and secure internet access throughout the 2024 local elections
The #KeepItOn coalition calls on authorities and ISPs in Tanzania to ensure internet access during the upcoming elections.

Alaa Abd el-Fattah – NGOs send letter to United Nations working group on arbitrary detention
Our organisations continue to call for Alaa Abd el-Fattah’s immediate and unconditional release and we request that the UNWGAD urgently announce its opinion on his case.

DHS must come clean on contract with spyware purveyor paragon solutions
Access Now and partner civil society organizations calls on the Department of Homeland Security to release details about its $2 million contract with Paragon Solutions (US) Inc.

Sandvine must make good on its commitments and stop harming human rights
Access Now, along with partner civil society organizations and experts, demand evidence of the adequacy and effectiveness of Sandvine’s announced reforms.