Release Type: Open Letter
Open letter to European Commission: the dangers of age verification proposals to fundamental rights online
الأردن: سنة كاملة من القمع:دعوات جديدة لإلغاء قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية!
تدعو منظمات حقوق الإنسان المحلية والدولية الموقعة أدناه البرلمان الجديد إلى إلغاء أو تعديل قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية.
An year of abuse — Jordanian authorities must scrap cybercrime law
Access Now, Article 19, and partners urge the new Jordanian Parliament to repeal or substantially amend the new Cybercrime Law.
Egypt authorities must release activist Mohamed Adel
Human rights organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately release political activist Mohamed Adel, and to comply with their duty to protect his life and health.
U.S. Homeland Security must stop using AI tech for immigration enforcement and adjudication
Access Now joins Just Futures Law and civil society partners in urging DHS to stop violating federal policies on AI use.
Open letter: no deepfakes for democracy
Access Now and civil society partners demand social media platforms take immediate action to implement policies to stop deepfakes from interfering in elections.
Open letter to Apple: Хватит помогать цензурировать Рунет
Access Now и члены гражданского общества просим Apple вернуть заблокированные VPN-сервисы в российский App Store.
Open letter to Apple: Stop censoring Runet
Access Now and Russian and international civil society call on Apple to restore all blocked VPN services on the App Store in Russia.
Open letter on 2024 FCC AI deepfakes disclosure in U.S.
Access Now strongly supports the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposal to ensure transparency in the use of AI-generated content in political ads.
Open letter: UK authorities must stop plans to deploy facial recognition tech
Human rights organisations urge Prime Minister Keir Starmer to drop any plans to expand the use of live facial recognition surveillance.