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Wafa Ben-Hassine (Archived Bio)

MENA Policy Counsel
Global Policy Counsel

Wafa Ben-Hassine leads Access Now’s policy and advocacy arms in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) as the organization’s local Policy Counsel. Wafa is also a Global Policy Counsel, engaging on and advocating for global digital rights issues within United Nations institutions and other multilateral organizations. Most recently, she completed an Open Technology Fund fellowship at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where she researched counter-terrorism and cybercrime laws in select Arab countries and their impact on various human rights. Prior to her fellowship, Wafa has interned at the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal of Lebanon in The Hague and the U.S. Department of State Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in drafting its annual human rights reports. Wafa received her JD from the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law, and her BA in Political Science from the University of California San Diego. Wafa is licensed to practice law by the state bar of New York. More than anything, Wafa loves the internet, classical music, and lemon sorbet.


AI and disinformation: our contribution at UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week

6 Mar 2019

As part of a workshop for UNESCO’s annual Mobile Learning Week, we advocated for an evidence-based approach to AI and disinformation that respects human rights.

AI and disinformation: our contribution at UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week
6 Mar 2019
AI and disinformation: our contribution at UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week

Reflections on Bread&Net: The growing importance of digital rights activism in the MENA region

29 Nov 2018

Events like Bread&Net reveal the resilience of human rights defenders in the MENA region and the importance of the open discussion, collaboration, and problem-solving that regional gatherings can achieve.

Reflections on Bread&Net: The growing importance of digital rights activism in the MENA region
29 Nov 2018
Reflections on Bread&Net: The growing importance of digital rights activism in the MENA region

أكساس ناو تشارك بتقديم مقترحات فيما يخص مشروع قانون مجلة الاتصالات الإلكترونية بتونس

29 Oct 2018
أكساس ناو تشارك بتقديم مقترحات فيما يخص مشروع قانون مجلة الاتصالات الإلكترونية بتونس
29 Oct 2018
أكساس ناو تشارك بتقديم مقترحات فيما يخص مشروع قانون مجلة الاتصالات الإلكترونية بتونس
Saudi Arabia Internet Governance

United Nations HRC 39: Oral statement on Egypt’s cybercrime and media regulation law

19 Sep 2018

Our oral statement with APC on the “cybercrime” and media regulation laws in Egypt, delivered by Wafa Ben-Hassine at the 39th session of the U.N. Human Rights Council.

United Nations HRC 39: Oral statement on Egypt’s cybercrime and media regulation law
19 Sep 2018
United Nations HRC 39: Oral statement on Egypt’s cybercrime and media regulation law
Saudi Arabia Internet Governance

When “cybercrime” laws gag free expression: stopping the dangerous trend across MENA

12 Sep 2018

It’s not just Egypt. Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, laws purportedly aimed at increasing national security are putting human rights at risk.

When “cybercrime” laws gag free expression: stopping the dangerous trend across MENA
12 Sep 2018
When “cybercrime” laws gag free expression: stopping the dangerous trend across MENA
Saudi Arabia Internet Governance

Statement opposing Egypt’s legalization of website blocking and communications surveillance

6 Sep 2018

Leading NGOs are calling for full repeal of Egypt’s “cybercrime” law and a block of the dangerous law regulating media.

Press Release
Statement opposing Egypt’s legalization of website blocking and communications surveillance
6 Sep 2018
Statement opposing Egypt’s legalization of website blocking and communications surveillance
MENA Cybercrime Laws

موافقة البرلمان المصري على قانون مكافحة جرائم تقنية المعلومات، خطوة جديدة لتقنين حجب المواقع الإلكترونية والمراقبة الشاملة على مصر

22 Jun 2018
موافقة البرلمان المصري على قانون مكافحة جرائم تقنية المعلومات، خطوة جديدة لتقنين حجب المواقع الإلكترونية والمراقبة الشاملة على مصر
22 Jun 2018
موافقة البرلمان المصري على قانون مكافحة جرائم تقنية المعلومات، خطوة جديدة لتقنين حجب المواقع الإلكترونية والمراقبة الشاملة على مصر
MENA Cybercrime Laws

Egyptian Parliament approves Cybercrime Law legalizing blocking of websites and full surveillance of Egyptians

20 Jun 2018

The new “cybercrime” law approved by the parliament gives the government broad new censorship and surveillance authorities that threaten human rights. It must be withdrawn.

Egyptian Parliament approves Cybercrime Law legalizing blocking of websites and full surveillance of Egyptians
20 Jun 2018
Egyptian Parliament approves Cybercrime Law legalizing blocking of websites and full surveillance of Egyptians
Tunisia biometric passports

Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week

19 Apr 2018

Every government that seeks to protect privacy should take the time necessary to pause, reflect, and assess what digital identity programs will mean to our global society.

Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week
19 Apr 2018
Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week
Tunisia biometric passports

National digital identity programmes: what’s next?

21 Mar 2018

Our working paper on national digital ID programmes explores the human rights implications and provides lawmakers globally with policy recommendations in the areas of governance, privacy and data protection, and cybersecurity.

National digital identity programmes: what’s next?
21 Mar 2018
National digital identity programmes: what’s next?