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Dima Samaro

MENA Policy Analyst

Dima Samaro was a Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Policy Associate at Access Now. She worked closely with the Policy team conducting policy analysis and promoting human rights activism on the internet in the MENA region. Before joining Access Now, Dima served as a legal researcher at the International Commission of Jurists in Tunisia, assisting in organizing capacity building conferences targeting judges and lawyers from the MENA region as well as drafting legal reports on freedom of expression and human rights. Most recently, she completed a fellowship at King’s College London, where she researched the political participation of Palestinian women and the impact of freedom of expression in strengthening their role in the political process. In 2015, she earned her Bachelor’s of Law from the University of An-Najah, Palestine. Dima believes that it’s increasingly important to be aware of the endless trail of data that we leave behind us, as we become so visible in the digital world, and thus we need to be aware of our legitimate rights and the tools that we can use. Dima has a great sense of humor, loves mango ice cream and ping pong.

عُرضة للكشف والاستغلال: حماية البيانات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

22 Mar 2021
عُرضة للكشف والاستغلال: حماية البيانات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
22 Mar 2021
عُرضة للكشف والاستغلال: حماية البيانات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
Kazakhstan internet

أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)

9 Mar 2021

أصدرت Access Now و ائتلاف #KeepItOn تقرير عن أخبار حجب الإنترنت يتضمن بيانات عن عام 2020 بأكمله

أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)
9 Mar 2021
أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)
Tunisia biometric passports

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

9 Mar 2021

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

Press Release
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس
9 Mar 2021
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس
Tunisia biometric passports

Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy

9 Mar 2021

Access Now joins 30 groups in sounding the alarm about Tunisia’s revived biometric ID proposal, which still poses a serious threat to Tunisians’ privacy.

Press Release
Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy
9 Mar 2021
Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy

الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع

5 Feb 2021
الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع
5 Feb 2021
الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع

Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression

4 Feb 2021

On the tenth anniversary of Tunisia’s revolution, hundreds of Tunisians took to the streets in protest. The ensuing police crackdown on Tunisia’s protests was brutal, revealing the fragility of Tunisians’ democratic freedoms. We call on lawmakers to strengthen and protect their rights, online and off.

Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression
4 Feb 2021
Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression
Data protection in MENA

Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa

28 Jan 2021

Access Now’s latest report, Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa, explores how a lack of strong data protection in MENA countries is leaving people vulnerable to abuse and exploitation of their most personal information.

Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa
28 Jan 2021
Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa

رسالة مفتوحة إلى مجلس النواب العراقي: لا تجرموا المفاهيم الغامضة والفضفاضة “للجرائم الإلكترونية”.

22 Dec 2020
Press Release
رسالة مفتوحة إلى مجلس النواب العراقي: لا تجرموا المفاهيم الغامضة والفضفاضة “للجرائم الإلكترونية”.
22 Dec 2020
رسالة مفتوحة إلى مجلس النواب العراقي: لا تجرموا المفاهيم الغامضة والفضفاضة “للجرائم الإلكترونية”.

Open letter to the Iraqi Council of Representatives: Don’t criminalise vague definitions of “cybercrimes”

21 Dec 2020
Press Release
Open letter to the Iraqi Council of Representatives: Don’t criminalise vague definitions of “cybercrimes”
21 Dec 2020
Open letter to the Iraqi Council of Representatives: Don’t criminalise vague definitions of “cybercrimes”

Internet shutdowns in Algeria and Sudan: damaging practices during exceptional circumstances

5 Oct 2020

Shutting down the internet to prevent cheating on exams is not efficient or effective. Rather, shutdowns hurt human rights, disrupt public affairs, and cause huge financial losses that compound the longer the shutdown lasts.

Internet shutdowns in Algeria and Sudan: damaging practices during exceptional circumstances
5 Oct 2020
Internet shutdowns in Algeria and Sudan: damaging practices during exceptional circumstances