Civil society to EU: don’t derail the Digital Services Act

The European Parliament must block the suggestions to the Digital Services Act currently being negotiated among Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that jeopardise a human rights-centric model of platform governance. Through an open letter to MEPs, Access Now, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and European Digital Rights network are calling for fundamental rights safeguards that are crucial to a free and democratic society.

“Europe is at a digital crossroads,” said Eliška Pírková, Europe Policy Analyst at Access Now. “If done right, the Digital Services Act can tackle some of today’s most pressing challenges, and ensure fundamental rights online. If we take a wrong turn, however, it can steamroll freedom of expression, and have a devastating impact on historically oppressed  communities.”

Civil society welcomes the significant efforts by leading MEPs in the responsible European Parliament committees to shape new rules aimed at modernizing the e-Commerce Directive — in particular, procedural justice elements, more transparency online, and a human-rights based approach for platform governance. However, warning signals flash around certain proposals that easily undermine free speech online, protection of marginalised groups, and respect for people’s private communication — these key principles that should not be up for negotiation. 

Read the full letter.