Digital Rights In The Covid-19 Fight
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every part of our lives — including our human rights. Privacy, free expression, access to information, and other fundamental rights are even more essential in times of crisis, and Access Now is working to ensure responses to COVID-19 strengthen rather than undermine those rights.

Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights
As the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum, governments are clamoring to implement measures to help the world return to pre-virus normality. This includes exploring digital vaccine certificates — or COVID-19 vaccine “passports”. Current proposals, however, threaten human rights.…

Civil society to WHO: let’s end government-ordered internet shutdowns
Today the #KeepItOn coalition sent an open letter to the Deputy Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, calling on her to urge states to end the blatant and arbitrary internet shutdowns that are ongoing during COVID-19.

Access Now releases recommendations on privacy and data protection in the fight against COVID-19
Our message to governments is simple: protecting digital rights also promotes public health. We aim to ensure that the rule of law, and the rights to privacy and data protection, are protected throughout this crisis and in the future.

Content Governance
Access Now releases “Fighting misinformation and defending free expression during COVID-19: recommendations for states”
We have identified practical examples and promising practices to support policy makers in respecting human rights while developing measures to address disinformation and misinformation during the COVID-19 crisis.

Access Now oral statement to the UN Global Digital Compact Informal Consultations with Member States and Stakeholders
Access Now’s Senior UN Advocacy Officer Laura O’Brien delivered an oral statement to the UN Global Digital Compact Informal Consultations with Member States and Stakeholders on Feb 3 2023.

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Stranded, suffocated, and in pain: 15 stories from Tigray’s internet siege
It’s been two years since Tigray were cut off from the internet. Share the 15 stories from Tigrayans and help amplify their voices.

Join us June 6-10 for RightsCon 2022
Log in to the RightsCon platform to participate in the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age (June 6-10, 2022)!

Stop the misinformation experience: Spotify must intervene
Through a letter to Daniel Ek, Co-Founder and CEO at Spotify, Access Now is urging the company to align with basic human rights principles.

Joe Rogan and Spotify: Make content moderation about human rights
Is Spotify willing to allow harmful content like COVID misinformation to spread, prioritizing the companyʼs bottom line over public health?

What is disinformation, why it spreads, and how to stop it
Our new report explores what disinformation is, and how lawmakers can address the harms it poses to democracy.

One Year Under COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: What Has Europe Learned? – A report by Access Now and Liberties
A year after the introduction of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Europe, Access Now and Liberties look at their impact on digital rights.

What you need to know about the Facebook Papers
The Facebook Papers paint a grim picture of how Facebook has repeatedly and knowingly prioritized profit over people’s safety. Here’s a snapshot of what we know so far.

Digital rights champions nominated to lead U.S. FCC and NTIA
At long last, U.S. President Biden has nominated public interests advocates to lead the Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Will the Right to Protest survive its migration online?
State-sanctioned internet shutdowns, increased surveillance, and unequal access to the internet are impacting communities globally. Will the Right to Protest survive its migration online?

Colombia’s mandatory CoronApp violates people’s privacy and freedom of movement

Colombia: CoronApp viola la privacidad y la libertad de movimiento de las personas

The internet shutdowns issue
With support from the #KeepItOn coalition, Jigsaw is today publishing “The Current: The Internet Shutdowns Issue,” a deep-dive into internet shutdowns.

How Thailand handles COVID: it stokes fear among its critics
Amidst continuing protests, calls for political reform, and mass dissatisfaction with how Thailand handles COVID, Thailand’s government is doubling down on efforts to throttle dissent and protest online and off. It is relying on laws that it claims protect against “public fear.” In fact, by threatening to censor those who speak out, it is the government that is instigating fear – in a weak bid to distract from flailing governance.