Campaign Type: Petition
Tell the African Union to help reconnect the internet in Tigray and across Ethiopia
The world must stand with the people of Ethiopia. Join us to call on African Union leaders to condemn the Ethiopian government’s prolonged shutdown, and intervene to restore internet access across Tigray and beyond.
Tell U.S. FTC: Time to shut down Big Tech’s business model
Big Tech’s extractive, manipulative business model violates our privacy, fuels discrimination, and puts people’s lives at risk. It’s time for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to step in and shut it down with strong data protection rules. Sign the petition today!
Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation
Automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation is scientifically flawed and puts LGBT+ lives at risk. The European Union has the opportunity to ban this technology and prevent such tools from being exported around the world. Sign now!
Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
Sign this European Citizens’ Initiative to urge EU lawmakers to put a stop to harmful, discriminatory biometric mass surveillance practices.
These women were jailed for TikTok 🚫 You can help them
At least three women have already been sentenced to jail for their TikTok videos, and now they are fighting their charges on appeal. Help pressure Egyptian authorities to free these women and revoke their sentences.
Demand U.S. FCC & Congress expand broadband and Lifeline access during COVID-19 crisis
Join us in demanding that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and Congressional leadership expand internet and phone access for those who need it most.
Civil society’s online home — .ORG — is for sale
This dubious deal was struck without consulting civil society groups that rely on .ORG to operate, without accounting for its impact on human rights, and without proper safeguards for the long-term health of online civic space. Join more than 600 organizations and thousands of concerned individuals in signing this petition to stop the sale of .ORG.
#MyDataMyRights: Demand data privacy position from U.S. presidential candidates
Join us in demanding that U.S. presidential candidates address how they will take a stand against corporate exploitation of our data in the upcoming Democratic presidential debates.
Save Crypto, Secure Australia
Weakening encryption weakens the entire internet and increases risks for everyone on it. Tell Australia’s law makers to say no to proposals that undermine strong encryption.
Tell Blackstone: human rights abuses are a bad investment
Take action now to help make sure The Blackstone Group’s next investment does not put more surveillance technology in the hands of oppressive regimes.