Tag: Regulation
Access Now’s submission on Taiwan AI Basic Law
Access Now welcomes the progressive approach taken in this current preview draft text of Taiwan’s AI Basic Law, including the importance laid on protecting human rights and the concerns of individuals and vulnerable communities.
Open letter to European Commission: the dangers of age verification proposals to fundamental rights online
الأردن: سنة كاملة من القمع:دعوات جديدة لإلغاء قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية!
تدعو منظمات حقوق الإنسان المحلية والدولية الموقعة أدناه البرلمان الجديد إلى إلغاء أو تعديل قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية.
An year of abuse — Jordanian authorities must scrap cybercrime law
Access Now, Article 19, and partners urge the new Jordanian Parliament to repeal or substantially amend the new Cybercrime Law.
Access Now condemns the suspension of X in Brazil
Access Now opposes the suspension of X in Brazil and is concerned by the growing trend of blocking of entire online platforms and applications as a response to systemic non-compliance.
Department of telecommunications releases four sets of draft rules for consultation
Commissioner Breton: stop politicising the Digital Services Act
Access Now, ARTICLE 19, and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are calling on the EU Commissioner Thierry Breton to stop politicising the enforcement of the Digital Services Act (DSA).
Civil society statement: Commissioner Breton needs to stop politicising the Digital Services Act
Access Now, Article 19, and EFF urge the EU Commission to let their enforcement work be guided by evidence rather than political sentiment.
Carta aberta: Defendendo uma legislação brasileira de IA que proteja direitos
No Brasil, é urgente uma abordagem embasada em direitos humanos para a regulamentação dos Sistemas de Inteligência Artificial.
Open letter: Advocating for Brazilian AI regulation that protects human rights
Access Now and Rights in Network Coalition urges Brazilian authorities to include necessary improvements in Bill 2338/2023.