Tag: internet shutdown

Élections au Togo : le président Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé doit maintenir l’accès à Internet
Access Now et plus de 20 organisations exigent que le gouvernement et tous les fournisseurs d’accès à Internet opérant dans le pays respectent les droits humains et garantissent un accès ininterrompu à Internet pendant toute la durée des élections.

Togo elections: President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé must uphold internet access
Access Now is demanding the government of Togo and all internet service providers ensure unhindered access to the internet.

Protests erupt after Senegal parliament voted on the election delay

The world must bring down Myanmar’s digital iron curtain
Today marks three years since Myanmar’s junta seized power in a violent coup. Access Now is calling on the international community to offer resources to resist digital oppression.

A call for global solidarity and decisive action to end Myanmar’s military rule and ensure victory for the people resisting dictatorship
Access Now and a coalition of human rights organizations call on the international and business community to resist the digital coup in Myanmar.

What the U.S. can and must do to reconnect Gaza
Gaza is suffering under its ninth recent telecommunications and internet shutdown. We outline how the U.S. can help reconnect Gaza.

The world must not forget Mahsa Amini
It has been a year since Mahsa Amini died while in the custody of Iran’s “morality police,” leading to waves of protests across the country – and a subsequent crackdown by the country’s rulers against dissent, both offline and online. We’ve mapped some of the troubling trends in Iran’s digital authoritarian playbook.

India greenlights privacy law as opposition members opt to stay absent

Internet and social media access must be restored in Pakistan to protect human rights
The government of Pakistan must immediately restore — and protect — full access to the internet and social media.

#KeepItOn: fighting internet shutdowns around the world
The #KeepItOn coalition brings together hundreds of civil society organizations and our allies from around the world – in government, international institutions, media, the private sector, and beyond – to fight for an end to internet shutdowns.