Tag: humanitarian crises

The most violent year: internet shutdowns in 2023
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 283 internet shutdowns in 2023 — the highest number since 2016.

Private tech, humanitarian problems: how to ensure digital transformation does no harm
Our new report, Mapping Humanitarian Tech: exposing protection gaps in digital transformation programmes, examines how humanitarian-tech partnerships impact people and communities at risk.

دعوة مفتوحة من منظمات حقوق الإنسان لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار على الأرض ورقمياً في غزة، وبحق الفلسطينيين/ات حول العالم
نحن، مجموعة من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان الرقمية، ننضم إلى الدعوة المفتوحة للوقف الفوري لإطلاق النار في غزة.

Organizaciones de derechos humanos se unen al llamado abierto al cese al fuego en Gaza y el respeto por los derechos digitales del pueblo palestino en todo el mundo
We call on international actors to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with a “digital ceasefire” to protect Palestinians in online spaces globally.

Human rights organizations join the open call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza, and for Palestinians globally
We call on international actors to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with a “digital ceasefire” to protect Palestinians in online spaces globally.

Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 187 internet shutdowns in 2022, across a record-setting 35 countries.

Why the U.N. is focusing on digital rights during humanitarian crises
Digital rights violations enable and escalate offline violence, deepening humanitarian crises. Our latest brief recaps key developments at the 49th United Nations Human Rights Council, guiding delegates in next steps for advancing global norms and standards to protect digital rights.