Tag: Free Expression

Tackling the “black snakes” undermining digital rights worldwide
As 2025 gets underway, Access Now’s new Executive Director, Alejandro Mayoral Baños, PhD, shares his reflections on the “black snakes” threatening the digital rights movement.

Platform accountability and human rights: a rule-of-law checklist
As policymakers around the world seek to rein in Big Tech, we define the safeguards necessary to ensure rule of law and protect human rights and democracy.

Georgia protests: digital safety tips for peaceful gatherings
Amid an ongoing crackdown on dissent and peaceful protests in many EECA countries, most recently Georgia, CyberHUB-AM and Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline have prepared a guide to support protestors to stay safer online.

بيان مُشترك: المجتمع المدني يُطالب باتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة قبيل انعقاد منتدى حوكمة الإنترنت
منظمات حقوق الإنسان المُوقّعة أدناه، نحثّ حكومة السعودية على إطلاق سراح جميع المعتقلين الذين اعتقلتهم السلطات السعودية بسبب تعبيرهم عن آرائهم على الإنترنت

Joint statement: civil society demands action ahead of Internet Governance Forum
Civil society urges the government of Saudi Arabia to release people imprisoned for their online expression and foster transparency and accountability ahead of IGF 2024.

Why we won’t stop defending LGBTQ+ digital rights

When “cybercrime” laws infringe human rights: lessons from the Arab region
Governments across the Arab region already use cybercrime laws to violate human rights, and the UN cybercrime convention risks making this even easier.

#KeepItOn: the Government of Tanzania and internet service providers must ensure open and secure internet access throughout the 2024 local elections
The #KeepItOn coalition calls on authorities and ISPs in Tanzania to ensure internet access during the upcoming elections.

Global coalition of NGOs call for immediate ceasefire in Lebanon