Tag: Censorship
Apple’s decision in Russia is rotten to the core — restore VPNs on App Store now
Access Now, RKS Global, and civil society partners call on Apple to immediately restore all VPN service applications previously removed from its App Store in Russia
Open letter to Apple: Хватит помогать цензурировать Рунет
Access Now и члены гражданского общества просим Apple вернуть заблокированные VPN-сервисы в российский App Store.
Open letter to Apple: Stop censoring Runet
Access Now and Russian and international civil society call on Apple to restore all blocked VPN services on the App Store in Russia.
Venezuela’s many means of surveillance and control
Access Now’s statement on French authorities’ detention of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
Access Now, Article 19, and EFF urge the EU Commission to let their enforcement work be guided by evidence rather than political sentiment.
#KeepItOn in Venezuela: Maduro must end his regime’s assault on free speech
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and other human rights abuses in Venezuela in response to protests relating to the presidential election.
Maduro must #KeepItOn in times of protest and unrest
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition demand that the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and blocking essential communications platforms in Venezuela.
#KeepItOn en Venezuela: Maduro debe mantener el acceso a internet en tiempos de protesta y conflicto
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are demanding the Nicolás Maduro regime stop imposing internet shutdowns and other human rights abuses in Venezuela in response to protests relating to the presidential election.
Maduro debe mantener el acceso a internet en épocas de protesta y conflicto
Access Now y de la coalición #KeepItOn exigen que el régimen de Nicolás Maduro ponga fin a los apagones de internet en Venezuela.