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Rachel Rodrigues

Advocacy intern


Διακήρυξη του Τορόντο: Έκκληση για προστασία έναντι διακρίσεων από συστήματα τεχνητής νοημοσύνης

19 May 2018
Διακήρυξη του Τορόντο: Έκκληση για προστασία έναντι διακρίσεων από συστήματα τεχνητής νοημοσύνης
19 May 2018
Διακήρυξη του Τορόντο: Έκκληση για προστασία έναντι διακρίσεων από συστήματα τεχνητής νοημοσύνης

RightsCon: Addressing the digital divide in Indigenous Communities in North America [video]

18 May 2018
RightsCon: Addressing the digital divide in Indigenous Communities in North America [video]
18 May 2018
RightsCon: Addressing the digital divide in Indigenous Communities in North America [video]

Toronto coalition calls for machine learning systems to respect human rights

18 May 2018
Toronto coalition calls for machine learning systems to respect human rights
18 May 2018
Toronto coalition calls for machine learning systems to respect human rights

Killer robots? Activists ‘freaked out’ that technology needed to build autonomous lethal machines already exists

18 May 2018
Killer robots? Activists ‘freaked out’ that technology needed to build autonomous lethal machines already exists
18 May 2018
Killer robots? Activists ‘freaked out’ that technology needed to build autonomous lethal machines already exists

So, you think you’re an ally to the cause of equality?

18 May 2018
So, you think you’re an ally to the cause of equality?
18 May 2018
So, you think you’re an ally to the cause of equality?

Whistleblower attorney faces lawsuit alleging defamation and malicious prosecution over sexual assault allegations

18 May 2018
Whistleblower attorney faces lawsuit alleging defamation and malicious prosecution over sexual assault allegations
18 May 2018
Whistleblower attorney faces lawsuit alleging defamation and malicious prosecution over sexual assault allegations

RightsCon report: Universities should form cyber attribution network

18 May 2018
RightsCon report: Universities should form cyber attribution network
18 May 2018
RightsCon report: Universities should form cyber attribution network

Minister dismisses CHP’s allegations over ‘spying software’

17 May 2018
Minister dismisses CHP’s allegations over ‘spying software’
17 May 2018
Minister dismisses CHP’s allegations over ‘spying software’

FinFisher: deutsche Spionagesoftware in der Türkei?

17 May 2018
FinFisher: deutsche Spionagesoftware in der Türkei?
17 May 2018
FinFisher: deutsche Spionagesoftware in der Türkei?

Solicitan revisar algoritmos de IA actuales porque promueven la discriminación

17 May 2018
Solicitan revisar algoritmos de IA actuales porque promueven la discriminación
17 May 2018
Solicitan revisar algoritmos de IA actuales porque promueven la discriminación