Campaign Type: Tweet to Target
Las herramientas usadas para identificarnos, individualizarnos y rastrearnos donde vayamos son inherentemente incompatibles con los derechos humanos y las libertades civiles. Únete a la campaña para exigir respuestas a las empresas que las fabrican sobre #PorQuéNosVigilan.
#KeepItOn: 2022 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Elections and internet shutdowns are a disaster for democracy. See which countries the #KeepItOn coalition is watching in 2022.
Help #KeepItOn during these 2021 elections
In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.
Brazil: Fighting “fake news” shouldn’t violate privacy
The debate on the #PLFakeNews bill in Brazil has now moved to the Chamber of Deputies. Ask elected officials to remove provisions regarding account identification and message traceability.
Family of jailed human rights activist Alaa Abdel Fattah attacked, sister detained
We call upon Egyptian authorities to immediately release Sanaa and Alaa and all the detained activists and human rights defenders who are being held for simply exercising their fundamental rights of assembly and freedom of expression.
Mais debate sobre “fake news” – e mais direitos também!
Junte-se a nós para pedir aos líderes de bancadas partidárias do Senado Federal que não coloquem em pauta o PL 2630/2020 esta semana e garantam um debate mais amplo e transparente sobre as melhores opções regulatórias para combater “fake news”.
Human rights defender Alaa needs you now more than ever!
Join us in taking action to #FreeAlaa and the 60,000 other political prisoners in Egypt, who lack basic rights and access to healthcare during COVID-19.
#KeepItOn: internet shutdowns during COVID-19 will help spread the virus!
Join us in calling for an end to internet shutdowns that are putting lives at risk during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Take action now to stand with the people of India in calling on the government to immediately restore access to the internet and other communications services across the country and to #KeepItOn.
Raise your voice for Alaa’s freedom
Only six months after his release from prison, Alaa Abdel Fattah was arrested again. Share the call for the immediate release of Alaa and all the protesters arrested in the recent crackdown.