Search Results For: data disclosure
Yahoo case shows we need better solutions to the global data breach problem
Even in the absence of laws requiring swift disclosure of breaches, government agencies can do more to protect internet users.
Brazil president approves data protection bill — but vetoes key accountability measures
President Temer signed Brazil’s first piece of data protection legislation into law — but only after vetoing important provisions aimed at holding data processors accountable and ensuring the law is effectively implemented.
What the Microsoft transparency report does–and does not–tell us about Skype
The Access team has reviewed Microsoft’s transparency report and analyzed what it does–and does not–tell us about law enforcement requests for Skype data, as well as how it measures up to the demands in the January open letter from civil society.
Microsoft releases report on law enforcement requests
Last week Microsoft released its first-ever transparency report, detailing its approach and response to law enforcement data requests worldwide.
Your data used against you: reports of manipulation on WhatsApp ahead of Brazil’s election
Ahead of presidential elections on Sunday, Brazil is experiencing a scandal involving misuse of data for political manipulation. How do we protect users’ rights and defend free democratic discourse?
African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection
Without much media attention, the heads of state of the African Union (AU) agreed to a landmark convention this summer affecting many aspects of digital life.
No more waiting: it’s time for a federal data breach law in the U.S.
Without federal standards, our access to redress for data breaches is hit-or-miss.
Time’s up! …for data retention mandates across the EU
Our take on what the CJEU ruling on data retention means for the future of privacy in Europe.
Activating the EU-US Privacy Shield: To protect privacy, we need reform, not rebranding
Negotiators in the European Union and the United States have agreed on a stop-gap measure to allow companies to transfer private data overseas. But the “EU-US Privacy Shield” is not likely to withstand legal challenge. To protect privacy, we need reform, not rebranding.